Join the work at All Tribes

through giving.

All Tribes Christian Camp is a not-for-profit organization that relies on generous donors to operate. You can be a vital part of this ministry by sending a donation. All Tribes desires to keep camp accessible to all by keeping the camp fees low with minimal increases, but they only cover about half the cost of a week at camp. You can donate by Pre-Authorized Withdrawl, E-Transfer, Cheque or Credit Card.


Give to the General Fund and All Tribes will use the gift where it is needed most.


Give to the All Tribes staff that depend on donations to continue in their role.


Give to All Tribes’ current capital project:
House Build Project


Give to help more kids get to camp through our kids to camp scholarship Fund.

Pre-Authorized Withdrawl

If you plan to give on a monthly basis, we suggest you set up pre-authorized automatic withdrawls directly from your bank account.  This saves incurring any credit or debit card handling fees for either yourself or All Tribes.

To do so, please send us two documents:

Please send these to us as scanned documents attached to an email, or as actual hardcopies in the mail.

  • If via email to

  • If via mail to:
    All Tribes Christian Camp
    1065 Hilton Road, RR 1
    Richards Landing, ON P0R 1J0


Send transfer to

In the memo, please note three items:

  1. The name of the Fund - General Fund, Director’s Salary Fund, Summer Staff, Capital Fund, or Kids to Camp Scholarship Fund.

  2. Your mailing address, for your receipt.

  3. Your email address.

There is no need for a security question as All Tribes Christian Camp is registered for Interac e-Transfer Autodeposit.


Send your cheque to:

All Tribes Christian Camp (Algoma) Inc. 
1065 Hilton Road, RR 1
Richards Landing, ON P0R 1J0

In the memo line please note the name of the fund - General Fund, Director’s Fund, Summer Staff, Capital Fund, or Kids to Camp Scholarship Fund.

Credit Card

General Fund Donations by Credit Card
Directors Salary Fund Donations by Credit Card
Capital Fund Donations By Credit Card
Kids to Camp Scholarship By Credit Card

As a registered Canadian Charity, tax-deductible gift receipts are issued for all gifts.


Gifts of Appreciated Securities

Thanks to legislation passed by the Canadian Government, there are now significant tax benefits for donors gifting appreciated securities and investments (stocks, bonds, and mutual funds). These gifts can drastically reduce your overall tax payable, and/or also provide a tax credit in the year of the gift. Click here to go to our donation of securities page for more information. Gifts of appreciated securities are handled for us by Please let us know if you have any questions or if we can provide further information.

Donate Now Through!



Spending of funds is confined to Board approved programs and projects. Each contribution designated toward an approved program or project, will be used as designated with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason, as determined by the Board, the remaining contributions designated for such program or project will be used where needed most.